
Accessibility & Inclusiveness

At The Gobbins we welcome people from all over the world and aim to be as inclusive and accessibility friendly as we can.

We wanted to take some time to let you know what to expect in the building and on our tours.

The building

Our building is fully wheelchair friendly, the main door to the Gift Shop and Reception area is step-free, and access to the Community Centre and Café has a ramp as well as stairs. There is also an easy-to-reach button to automatically open the main door, as well as an intercom at the Community Centre doors. We have 2 disabled toilets, one at either end of the building. We have taken care to ensure there are wide walk wheel ways throughout the centre and are happy to assist you and your group if you ask. You will find seats and benches throughout the centre for you to rest on if you need to.

If you or someone you are travelling with is prone to experiencing sensory overload, we have an autism friendly welcome pack which we can send out in advance which will detail the car park and building layout. If you are arriving for a tour in the busiest summer months (June, July and August), you may want to organise alternate tour check in services. Simply give us a call on 028 9337 2318 to request an autism friendly check in for the tour and we will meet you at the bus lay-by on the right side of the building and let you bypass the busiest section of the centre.

We have signage throughout the Visitor Centre and have alerts on the hand driers to warn of loud noises, warnings for taps with hot water and signs pointing you to the “quiet room” if you need a place to sit and relax for any reason. If there are other improvements you think we could make in advance of or during your visit, please let us know by emailing

We offer ‘Talks with a Guide’ presentations here at the centre. Due to the uneven ground and roughly 1,200 steps on the path, The Gobbins Cliff Path is not always suitable for those with reduced mobility or certain health conditions but we want to share its beauty with everyone! If you have a group who would be interested in having a Gobbins Guide presentation, please email and we can host these in one of our multipurpose rooms. We also have an exhibition centre which is free to all, and a virtual reality headset where you can experience the path from the comfort of the Visitor Centre.

Although the Cliff Path cannot welcome Guide Dogs due to the glass reinforced plastic walkways & status as an Area of Special Scientific Interest, we want them to feel welcome in and around our centre. You can find bowls of water outside the Visitor Centre’s entrance and outside of the Café in the outdoor seating section. If for some reason they are not there, please ask at reception if you need one.

Whether you are just in for coffee or waiting for friends and family who are on a tour, you can find more about The Gobbins by reading our leaflets or purchasing a book from the gift shop. If you find the small font difficult to read, please ask if you can borrow a magnifier to make it easier for you. Remember you can ask questions on what you have read at the reception desk if something interests you!


Please note, if you are planning to come on a tour, we can offer complimentary tickets to registered carers if the person you care for is accompanying you. These tickets must be booked in advance through the Guest Relations Team, who will ask what the carer ticket is for and check if you need any adjustments made to complete the tour safely and happily. We want to help and are happy to adjust things to suit your needs if we can.

As we have mentioned, certain health and mobility conditions means that the Gobbins Cliff Path is unsuitable for some guests. We have previously worked with champion groups to see how we can assist those with visual impairments, diabetes, autism, elderly groups, and what we have learned is that with good communication and cooperation we can have as many people as possible give The Gobbins a go! What we ask is that when booking, if you have any condition which may affect your ability to complete the walk without adjustments that you let us know in advance, so we can advise you.

We have some limitations which we cannot work around due to the narrow entrance way and tight spaces along the path, guests who would find a 143x72cm gap difficult to fit through may want to consider this before booking. All guests must be capable of walking the 1,200 stair steps unaided, because of this and the needs to be hands free, walking aids including white canes and hiking poles are not permitted and children cannot be carried.

If you or someone you are travelling with can experience sensory overload, we can make adjustment in the centre, but on the path, you will encounter birds and unpredictable weather and we cannot control the noise, smells, or sensations they may bring. Please speak to a member of the Guest Relations Team if this is a concern of yours.

If you are the champion of a group and have concerns about the path, please contact us in advance so we can organise things to suit you. We would appreciate when you have finished your visit that you send us a quick email to say what went well and what we could improve on. This will help us to organise better staff training and practises to ensure inclusivity for a greater range of people.